Fox and Lola's Story

Fox and Lola

Fall is upon us and as I write this letter there is a welcome sprinkling of water offering drink to the many trees and plants in my neighborhood. My dogs look with disdain at the wet. They make me laugh as they so predictably dictate their desire to stay in, and I so predictably comply.

Knowing that life is better when we share it with a companion animal, Glendale Humane is striving to help those responsible pet parents, struggling with financial hardship, pay for medical treatments for their loved ones.

This heart-warming story is what Glendale Humane is about.

Aura rescued young-puppy Fox from a food stand in Tijuana, Mexico. He was sick and in need of medical help. She nursed him to health and their loving relationship began. Through the twelve years Aura and Fox have been together he has been the “ambassador of gentle training” to the foster animals passing through his home on their way to their forever families. He was eyes to his blind, canine sister Lola for her lifetime. Fox is a truly special dog!

Aura injured her back and with the physical limitations was unable to work enough to make ends meet. She was desperately saving her pennies to get Fox necessary bloodwork and treatment for his thyroid disease and his much-needed dental work. Fox was in pain. He needed help. Our local vet put us in touch with Aura and we worked out a plan to get Fox all the help he needed. Today he is back home, his mouth is pain free and his thyroid is under control.

Fox has unconditionally given love and support to his family.To Fox we send our heartful thanks and support. We feel honored to help.

Thank you, dear friends, for helping us make this happen.


Savanna's Story


Wombat's Story